Today, I want to examine the idea of destressing fear because recently I went onto a social media platform (which I rarely do these days) and I noticed a very good friend of mine losing it.
Literally losing it on his posts like a teenage girl throwing a tantrum because she isn't getting her way.
Okay, okay, I understand that what I just wrote is very unkind but, think about it! A grown man on social media saying things like a thirteen year old girl and not even knowing it.
Two men, I love very much, and I had a rich conversation last night that pertains to this.
One was explaining to me, when people have bad breath everyone in the room knows it except the person with bad breath. I'm paraphrasing of course but, what he is saying is sometimes people lack self-awareness.
This can happen to anyone. More often for some than others yet, it's pretty normal.
The other was saying that we create our own reality. I'm paraphrasing again, still, very true.
When I was a young EMT (Emergency Medical Technician), about twenty six years ago, I had two very bad 911 calls in very close time proximity. These calls involved deaths of children. Immediately afterwards, I was behaving in a way that was not normal for me.
In other words, I was losing it, very much like my friend on social media.
When I was losing control, something spoke to me within that said, "this is not normal."
I'm very grateful for that still small voice within because once I was aware, I quickly softened my anger and irritability, which was not common for me.
I was lucky to recognize the "not normal-ness" and I was able to change my behaviors, which were coming from my beliefs, which were coming from the thoughts that I kept thinking of not being safe.