Happy Friday,
Are you ready for the weekend? I am! I love weekends, and weekdays. Oh, I love everyday.
A great way to Destress Yourself on the weekend is to get plenty of rest especially before the Holiday. Relax and enjoy yourself without filling your weekend up with too many things to do. Not possible you say? Anything is possible and remember, you are the boss of you. So take responsibility for your own schedule and if you need help, tomorrow morning, Saturday, November 22, 2008, at 8 a.m. Pacific, you can join me on our free teleclass Destress with Focus, Organization, and Productivity Part II.
Last week we discussed Focus and tomorrow we will Focus on Organization. Te he he.
The call in number is 1-309-946-5100 and the access code is 205356#.
Have a great weekend and don't forget to have fun and be playful because it is in your nature.