Thursday, June 6, 2013

EMS Stress Relief Techniques

Seven EMS Stress Relief Techniques is what I got for you today.

Hello there!  I got a pithy post for you...

Here are Seven of the best EMS Stress Reduction Tips for Basic Stress Management.

1.  Eat Right & Hydrate
It takes energy to handle stress; eating right and hydrating well increases our levels of energy unlike eating processed foods and drinking tons of caffeine.  Processed foods puts us in nap mode and caffeine dehydrates us.  Fatigue is a symptom of dehydration.

2.  Exercise Vigorously
When we are stressed we feel like poo poo, and when we exercise vigorously we can create feel good neurotransmitters, which will make us feel fantastico.

3.  Get Plenty of Sleep
When we do not get essential hours of sleep, we can be super duper cranky, and cranky gets not one person a pleasant day, especially those around us.  Happiness is crucial for stress relief.  Many EMS Personnel work 24-hour shifts, and that makes it a little difficult to get good sleep.  Therefore, it is good to practice regular sleeping hours while off duty.  Regular sleep will decrease the irritability factor.

4.  Do Things You Love
Plan to do things you love as often as your schedule permits, and this will definitely reduce the stress levels.  Doing things we love often, when healthy, also increases the happiness factor, which relieves stress.

5.  Do Things with People You Love
Plan to do things you love with people you love, and this will double the stress reduction, double the happiness factor, and you will feel destressed for sure.

6.  Practice Deep Relaxation
When a person works in the Emergency Field he or she can have heightened stress because the adrenaline is provoked quite frequently just through responding with lights and sirens in traffic.  In addition, if there is an intense situation on scene, the adrenal glands are engaged even more.  The Emergency Responder can be on stress mode regularly therefore, it is a good practice to develop the art of relaxing through formal intentional deep relaxation.

7.  Know That You Can Handle Anything
Besides the abnormal stressful situations within the EMS, there are normal stressers at home like financial difficulties, health problems, and/or relationship issues.  One thing that can increase stress is worry, and when we worry we always play the absolute worst scenario out in our mind.  When we play the worst scenario possible, we are showing our faith for the worst outcome.  Knowing, without a doubt that no matter what happens, we can handle anything helps us handle stress.  In addition, we can overcome any fear by writing down the best possible outcome and set up steps to move towards that like a goal.  By doing this, we will build faith in our self, and easily believe we can handle anything.

There you have it!  My pithy post on EMS Stress Relief Techniques.

Just some things that you may want to think about, if you believe you have serious stress and you are in the Emergency Field. 

Have a great day...


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