Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Destress Yourself By Eliminating Doubt And Creating Faith

I would like to ask you if you believe you can?  What I mean is, do you believe that you have the ability to accomplish any goal you set your mind to, with ease and comfort?

Ask yourself, "Do I have the ability to accomplish any goal I set my mind to, with ease and comfort?

I BELIEVE!!!  I believe you do and I believe I do.

In order to accomplish any goal that we set, we must believe that we can.  So many people set goals and never accomplish them because deep down inside their self-confidence and self-esteem are so low that they do not believe it is possible.

It may sound simple and it may sound silly but it is true.

When you say to yourself, "I have the ability to accomplish any goal I set my mind to, with ease and comfort."  Do you think and feel like you do?  Do you think and feel that this is true?

A big part of Destressing Yourself is eliminating doubt and creating faith in yourself, others, and in life.

So, when you make the statement above you should believe it, believe that you can.  If you don't believe that you can, say to yourself, "I have the ability to accomplish any goal I set my mind to, with ease and comfort."

Now, write it down, memorize it, say it to yourself often, and say it until you believe it.

Do this my friend, and I guarantee, if you don't believe it, you will.  You gotta have faith!

If you would like to learn more about having faith in yourself, others, and in life, please join me for our FREE Teleclass this month on meditations, affirmations, and visualization.  These three habits will help you accomplish any goal you set your mind to.  In addition, these habits will assist you in increasing your self-confidence.

Meet you there!

Have a wonderful week!!!

Don't forget to have fun and be playful!

Please email me if you have any questions, I would love to hear from you.

If you have not, please add me as a friend on facebook, Elizabeth M. Stanfill.

Elizabeth Stanfill